Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Riptoberfest- Week 1 Day Three!

Blogdate: 9/29

Workout: Punch, Kick & Jam (first 35 minutes) + 20 Minute Workout

Felt so strong tonight. Really threw down. Wanted to keep the momentum going so I popped in the 20 Minute Workout- it is a lot slower BPM than the more advanced workouts! I did not realize there was that big of a difference!

Riptoberfest- Week 1 Day Two

Blogdate: 9/28

Workout: 3T + Ab Jam

It's only been about a week and a half, but it felt like I haven't done Ab Jam in forever!

I totally knocked out the tricep pushups tonight in 3T! It felt great! I've always struggled with them, but tonight it was like bam! Bam! Bam! And they came out of nowhere- it was like someone threw a switch or something.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome to Riptoberfest!

Blogdate: 9/27

Workout: Cardio Party 3

Wow- I got a really good sweat on tonight! One of those workouts where you finish feeling way more energized than when you started.

I am going to do the Rip You Up Rotation for another 4 weeks to get ready for my cruise (26 days and counting!). This week's rotation:

Cardio Party 3
3T + Ab Jam
Punch, Kick & Jam
Fat Blaster (w/gloves) + Ab Jam
Cardio Party 2
CPR (w/gloves) + Booty Sculpt

Sunday, September 26, 2010

10 Weeks Down!

Blogdate: 9/26

Workout: Cardio Party 1

The schedule said Cardio Party 1 + Turbo Sculpt, but due to poor planning I was lucky to get in Cardio Party 1! I'll try to slip in an extra Turbo Sculpt this week.

Technically, this is the completion of the 4 Week Tip You Up Rotation! Yay me! Now I need to figure out what to do for the last 4 weeks of my 14 week challenge. I could do Rip You Up again and add in the Ball Workouts, or I could rotate in some of my non-turbo DVDs. I was hoping my co-worker would let me borrow her copy of Insanity at this point- but I guess she's not done with it. (hey- that's good!)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Secret Weapons

I find that the number one key indicator of whether or not my fitness efforts will be successful is how faithfully I am keeping my food journal. This technique is at the heart of why Weight Watchers works- you are mindful of what you are eating, you are accountable, and when you mess up you go on.

My Mom and my sister and myself, all being fairly crafty, look forward to each time we clear a food journal and get to buy another one because we customize them with scrapbook paper and jewelry findings- hey, anything to keep this fun! Here are some of my past food journals.

Rip You Up Rotation Week 4: Day Five!

Blogdate: 9/25

Workout: Cardio Party 3, Yoga

I took a rest day yesterday, so I need to double up tonight. Luckily, CP3 is my favorite Cardio Party. While exercising, my right knee gave a loud 'pop'! I thought something very, very bad had happened. But so far, I seem fine. No swelling or anything, even.

Tonight I noticed a definite difference in my hamstring flexibility- I could go noticeably further in my yoga poses. I am very, very happy about this because increased hamstring flexibility has been a goal of mine for awhile now.

Rip You Up Rotation Week 4: Day Four!

Blogdate: 9/23

Workout: Punch, Kick & Jam + Lower Body Jam

I did the entirety of PKJ tonight, I had forgotten that there was band work at the end! I never make it past the capeoira. LBJ is pretty brutal- maybe I'm just not used to it, but yikes! I usually don't have to bail on reps, but I did near the end of the squats!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rip You Up Rotation Week 4: Day Three!

Blogdate: 9/22

Workout: 20 Minute Workout

Really? The 20 Minute Workout? How long has it been since I've done this?

I was really tempted to blow off my workout tonight, and double up another night. I mean, It's just 20 minutes, right?

But hey, it's just 20 minutes. Let's do it!

My pictures got a little messed up at this point, because I thought tonight's workout was 52, instead of 51. So this picture is actually tomorrow night (PKJ + LBJ- I even used the gloves!)

Biggest Loser 10 Begins! Or, Happy Hunger Games!

The Joker: [to Gambol's thugs, being held helpless by his own] Now, our operation is small, but there's a lot of potential for "aggressive" expansion. So, which one of you fine gentlemen would like to join our team? Oh, there's only one spot open right now, so we're gonna have...
[breaks pool cue over knee]
The Joker: ... tryouts!
[throws broken pool cue at the thugs]
The Joker: Make it fast.

The Biggest Loser definitely has an element of cruelty to it, and no where is this more apparent than in the first episode of each season. The contestants are systematically humiliated in public, their deepest, darkest fears and moments laid bare on national TV, but in this episode they were made to compete on the spot (a'la the scene from The Dark Knight quoted above) for their position on the show. This is a matter of life and death for these people! It kills me to see the producers treat them so lightly. Thank heaven Bob and Jillian at least appear compassionate and empathetic. Ally Sweeney is doing her best Effie Trinket impression.

It frustrates me that we are colluding with the producers in this exploitation of people who are emotionally, physically, and many, psychologically ill. The Producers act like if these people just didn't eat so much, they wouldn't be so fat. At least in this season opener there was a lot of talk about some of the psycological issues that have contributed to obesity in many of these contestants, but still, is there a psychologist on the ranch? I haven't seen one.

So why do I watch this show? Despite the cruelty of the producing team, this show inspires and gives hope to a large audience. It's a hard truth- diet and exercise is the only way out- and the cast and trainers deliver it well. Each season I get inspired and find I can dig a little deeper. I feel guilty just for writing that- is that what someone from the Capitol thought about the Hunger Games?

Burgandy is my early favorite. Read her story- she has been trying on her own- even completed a half-marathon in her recent efforts. She looks like a Mormon housewife, and her story certainly added to that guess. The Commercial Photography Business was the biggest giveaway. She wouldn't be the first Mormon (Felipe, Sione, Koli, I think there have been others) on the show, either. It looks like she comes into conflict with Jessica, which bums me, because I liked Jessica from her profile and race results. But not if she is going to be following in Melissa's footsteps!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Blogdate: 9/21

Workout: Cardio Party Remix + 3T

What a milestone! FIFTY! I was really looking forward to my workout- I wore my party pants and everything! My rotation says "Fat Blaster" for today, but I thought that in honor of this special occasion I would do one of my absolute favorites- Cardio Party Remix.

Let's look back, shall we?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Rip You Up Week 4: Workout 1!

Blogdate: 9/20

Workout: Cardio Party 2 + Yoga

Because I only did 20 minutes of yoga last night I threw in another 20 tonight, since 40 minutes of cardio tonight just felt so short (how crazy is that?).

A bit of an NSV tonight- I am on my 6th 3 month Weight Watchers Food Journal (although, these have all not been used consecutively).

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 9 Down!

Blogdate: 9/19

Workout: Fat Blaster + Lower Body Jam + Yoga

... and you thought I wasn't going to do it!

I did do one of the shorter yoga workouts- a Yoga Zone for flexibility.

Next week, I am going to double up my workouts early on so I can take a day off and play video games all evening. I am also going to save up my WPA and eat a whole freaking jug of red vines. Awesome.

NSV tonight- the pants I am wearing (my current favorite) keep slipping down! They've never done that before.

ALSO The Biggest Loser starts this week! Hooray!

Week 10 Schedule (Week 4 Rip You Up):
Cardio Party 2
Fat Blaster + 3T
20 Minute Workout
Cardio Party 1 + Turbo Sculpt
Cardio Party 3
Punch, Kick & Jam + Lower Body Jam

Wow- this week is brutal (with the exception of just the 20 minute workout on Wednesday- which will practically be a rest day after three weeks of Rip You Up). I gotta dig deep! After this week I am going back to 5 days Turbo and 1 day Yoga- I had better balance in my life then.

Rip You Up Week 3: Workout 5!

Blogdate: 9/18

Workout: Cardio Party 3

So angry. Went to my local Lady Foot Locker- they had 3- THREE- pairs of cross trainers (And a freaking WALL of go-ram toning shoes). The entirety of the cross training selection was the following style of nike shoe that is, pretty much, the ugliest shoe ever. BEHOLD! The Nike Air Max Trainer One:
I mean- it looks like the kind of shoe they would give to old folks to wear in some sort of convalescent home operated by pre-teens. This isn't even the ugliest pallet. But Lady Foot Locker had it in THREE different colors instead of stocking some decent looking shoes.

My local LFL told me the store across town stocked Rykas. I call over there, they have 4 styles in stock, including one trainer off my list. I decide to drive the 15 miles to try it on. I get there and they have TWO sizes in stock! Of course, neither are my size. But they had THREE different colors of the Nike Air Max Trainer One!

Does no one wear cross trainers anymore? Does everyone just wear running shoes? The guy at Foot Locker said they stock a lot of Men's trainers, but hardly any for women. Is lateral support an outmoded ideal? WTH?!?!?! Any for crying out loud, Lady Foot Locker, do you not have ANY customers who do anything at the gym, besides cardio machines, for which a trainer would be better suited? I'm kinda cheesed with LFL from a philosophical standpoint- way to support things that are pretty much all female- like group fitness classes.

By the time I get home I am pu-hissed and tired, but I think that no matter what happens to me, what others do, I have control over what I do. So I get my workout in.

Friday, September 17, 2010

These Shoes Were Made For Kicking...

So I need new shoes. I really like my Rykas, but since they are 5 years old they don't make the style I like any more. I need a cross-trainer or a studio shoe for lateral support, and it wouldn't hurt if they were easy on the eyes. And I'd like to stick with Ryka- these things are awesome!

After a brief survey of the interwebs, here are my choices:

This is the Studio Flex Low- it gets great reviews on Zappos. People rave about it's stablity (or stabamability, if you are my brother-in-law) and support. Sounds good. It is on the spendy side- 80$, and the boring side. It comes in blue (shown), pink (mostly white), and black. I just don't think I could bring myself to wear black athletic shoes. I really feel that only professional athletes can pull that look off.

This is the Studio Flex Mid:

I like the look of it but I think this might be the child-of-the-Eighties in me talking, and this look just has not come back yet. Remember hi-tops? Reebok sure does! I bet they have a warehouse full of them just ready to go! Plus, this shoe got lousy reviews from all the jazzersizers and zumba-ers on Zappos.

This is the Assist XT. It is a cross trainer. I love the look of it- the red red, the checkered body- it looks checkered, anyway, it may just be mesh. The description doesn't stress lateral support, but a lot of the reviewers have, so it is in contention... Plus one of the reviewers who gave it a great review uses it for pliometrics in Insanity, and one thing this shoe is going to have to do is take me through Turbo Fire.

This shoe, the Affirm XT2, is pretty new, so there are no reviews on Zappos. I like the look of it best, though, purple and green have so much energy together.

This shoe, the Studio D Mid, is so ugly I would have to work out in the dark. I only list it here because the reviews of it are so glowing (although, most complain about how ugly it is). Especially where lateral support and forefoot cushioning come in. It comes in black, which isn't quite as ugly, but I've already got issues with black athletic shoes and I've not going to conquer them now.

The Studio D Low is even uglier- I'm not even posting a picture of it so you'll have to use your imagination because, damn.

I am off to Lady Footlocker tomorrow after work to see which ones they carry and try them on. If their selection is poor, then I'll order a couple off Zappos and keep the one that works!

Rip You Up Week 3: Workout 4!

Blogdate: 9/17

Workout: Turbo Sculpt + Ab Jam

It's been awhile since I've done Turbo Sculpt (relatively). It was nice to have it so fresh (relatively). Let's see- last I did it was workout 29!

I've really gotta thank my co-worker. I haven't seen her in a few weeks and she came in tonight and complimented me on how 'great I look' and asked me if I've been 'working out'. I said, "THANK YOU!" It is funny how something so seemingly small can make such a big difference in your day.

Well, whoever sent Mojo after yesterday's post- I gotta thank you, too! Because today I was back to my old, bony self again! Yeah! My knee is still complaining a little, but my motivation is back!

My favorite persistence quote: "You don't drown by falling in the water- you drown by staying there."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rip You Up Rotation Week 3: Day Three!

Blogdate: 9/16

Workout: Cardio Party Remix + Fat Blaster

I am teetering on the verge. I feel like I am barely hanging on- out of control. My eating has been so off this week- I've got to reign it in. I've got some anxious feelings and I need to deal with them more productively. I'm also feeling down because I know I'm 11 lbs down, I know my conditioning is vastly improved, but I don't feel like I look any different! I thought these pictures would be a great measurement of my progress- but they all look the freaking same!

I took a rest day yesterday because things felt to sore and achy- I haven't had a true rest day in well over 3 weeks. Plus, I really think I need new cross trainers.

Anyway, whoever is reading this, send me your mojo so I can keep going. It's just 6 more weeks (and then the rest of my life).

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yay! Bebe Sport is Back and now 40% Trampier!

I guess they are making up for lost time.

I have found a few things at Bebe Sport that I really liked that I think even the Pope would approve of. I picked them up at Irvine Spectrum and wore them to a live Turbo Kick class, taught by Chalene herself! They say, if you spent more time getting ready for the class than in the actual class itself you are definitely in the OC.

Here is a great article about the demise of Bebe's ill-conceived Ph8 line that supplanted Bebe Sport. And here is a link to Bebe Sport's fall line. I still wanted to get a quarter-zip tank, but I was waiting for a normal color (leopard print is not a color).

Rip You Up Week 3: Workout 2!

Blogdate: 9/14

Workout: Punch, Kick & Jam + Booty Sculpt

I threw in the last 18 minutes of Cardio Party 1 at the end of PKJ instead of the endless capoeira.

My arms were sore today- I'm thinking it was from Yoga on Sunday! I must have worked some muscles that don't usually get so much attention.

My knees felt a little weak tonight- so I babied them somewhat. I've gotten pretty good at looking out for them by keeping weight off my heels in just about everything. I was able to identify some 'trouble moves' for my knees- any time the back leg twists and all the weight is on the front, my front knee was getting torqued. Keeping my weight off my heels in BOTH feet has alleviated this immensely. Also, on kicks and knees, I need to keep my supporting leg slightly bent. Not sure why- but it makes my knee happier. I'm thinking I also might need to replace my shoes- they seem to be losing some lateral support.

I am so looking forward to Turbo Fire. I hope that all this adequately prepares me for it! I have NO IDEA when I am going to be able to get it. Probably when money falls from the sky. We are spending a lot of money on this cruise for work (the bringing my DH part) and flying the whole family out to the coast for the wedding (and hitting Disneyland- things are getting exponentially more expensive). We are just not going to dip into savings 200$ bones for Turbo Fire, and we are old school as far as paying for things all at once goes. Man, I think I just may have to ask Santa for this. Lucky for me, I've been pretty damn good.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Rip You Up Week 3: Workout 1!

Blogdate: 9/13

Workout: Cardio Party 1

I know the schedule says something else, but I was so tired and full of food from my father-in-law's birthday the thought of working out for an hour was daunting. So I re-arranged things a little. But Cardio Party 1 felt great!

Oh yeah, the birthday party. My MIL makes this great pasta salad- of which I had 2 servings. And then I had cake. I didn't go over my weekly points allowance, but let's say there really is not much left. The rest of this week is going to run LEAN!

Hey! My weigh in was this morning! Drumroll..................... 160! Hooray! I am at a healthy BMI! 11 lbs in 8 weeks is pretty darn good!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

8 Weeks Down!

Blogdate: 9/12

Workout: Ten Minute Solution: Yoga

Ten Minute Solution Yoga is included in the Instant Cue on Netflix so I thought I would give it a try. I have nothing but good things to say about it! Well cued, challenging (but not intimidatingly so for an experienced beginner like me) and low on the spirituality (less spiritual than Sara Ivanhoe, and she really isn't) but still uses the English names (and a lot of the sanskrit). It is broken into 5 ten minute segments so you can customize it or do the whole 50 minute thing like I did tonight. Loved it!

8 Weeks down! I weigh in tomorrow. I have to admit, I have peeked, like a week ago. I am pleased. Reasonably pleased, not Biggest Loser pleased.

Next Week's Schedule (Rip You Up Rotation Week 3):
Cardio Party Remix + Fat Blaster
Punch Kick and Jam + Booty Sculpt
Cardio Party 1
Turbo Sculpt + Ab Jam
Cardio Party 3
Fat Blaster + Lower Body Jam

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rip You Up Rotation Week 2: Day Six!

Blogdate: 9/11

Workout: Lower Body Jam + 20 Minute Workout (with gloves)

This is the first time I've done LBJ in I don't know how long- well over a year! It is an amazing, intense workout, it just doesn't workout the upper body (duh) so I don't do it very often. I have forgotten how TOUGH this thing is!

This is the first time in weeks that I've done the 20 Minute workout. It is fun to be able to give something your complete and total all knowing you can go guns-a'blazing because it is so short. I can remember, though, a time not so long ago (perhaps 8 weeks ago?) when this was a tougher workout. It's a nice benchmark.

BTW- I had a Non-Scale Victory (NSV) today. After 8 weeks, 42 workouts and who knows how many pounds (I will on Monday) SOMEONE noticed that I have lost weight. My mother-in-law mentioned something to my husband when she came over to babysit tonight about if I 'had lost weight' and he told her to 'please say something' about it to me- apparently I'm neurotic about all this or something. Did the fact that I'm blogging about it give me away as neurotic? ANYWAY my MIL was very complimentary, and me, being a self-conscious goob, thanked her and quickly changed the subject.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Rip You Up Rotation Week 2: Day 5!

Blogdate: 9/10

Workout: Cardio Party 2 + Ab Jam

I am re-ordering my workouts so the resistance training ones alternate better with the cardio-centirc ones.

I was tempted to do yoga tonight because my quads are really sore, but I made cupcakes (stupid, stupid, stupid!) and needed the extra calorie burn.

"Persistence is much more important than perfection in the weight loss battle." - My Weight Watchers food journal said that.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Knock, knock, knock!

Hi! You don't know me, but I live right up the street- I am working on a project and I am asking the community for help.

How can you help, you ask? Why, I need to raise a mere 189$ in order to purchase the new workout program from Chalene Johnson- “TurboFire”!

Your small contribution will get me closer to purchasing the new cardio conditioning program consisting of 12 workouts on 11 DVDs, Turbo Fire tools AND three free gifts to help me succeed!

I will also get the Advanced bonus discs with 5 more workouts AND the Turbo Tracker! If I order soon I can get a FREE Upgrade to Express Delivery*–a $15.00 value–and receive TurboFire in just 5 to 7 business days!

Just think of how hot your neighbor/acquaintance will be from your small donation? What better way to improve the life of a child-at-heart-but-really-grown-adult?

How much would you like to contribute?

What? Nothing at this time?

Then perhaps you would like to contribute to LPFM? Lululemon Pants For Me?


40 Workouts Down!

Blogdate: 9/9

Workout: Fat Blaster + 3T

40 Workouts- wow. When you look at it that way- that's almost 2 straight days of working out.

Some thoughts on motivation: There were a few weeks there where I was having a really hard time- the slow, tired hungry weeks (4-6). Some days I just told myself all I had to do was put on my clothes, and if I didn't feel like working out then I didn't have to. I will most likely have to use this technique again- I don't think anyone is ever 'cured' from a 'no motivation' standpoint. If anything, it might start getting harder.

In the past, when I've gotten into this size/weight range (right around 160/ size 10) I get happy with how I look and how my clothes fit (I'm 5'7", if you're wondering). I am much better at getting my hinder in gear when I am miserable. At this point it becomes about- "let's see what I can do" instead of "I can't go on this way".

I feel really pumped up about finishing off this rotation! I find it helpful to chunk things down into small goals and name or theme them. This 'Rip You Up' month is really motivating! My 'No Sweets' week was, too. (My 'Diet Soda Diet' not so much, but oh well.)

I'm trying to figure out what to do for the last 4 weeks of my 14. I think Santa is going to have to bring me Turbo Fire. Perhaps I'll dig out some other DVDs and rotate through them.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rip You Up Rotation Week 2: Day Three!

Blogdate: 9/8

Workout: Punch, Kick & Jam + Ab Jam Standing (& last 20 minutes of CP3)

How fun is Punch, Kick and Jam? Super fun. And I enjoy Ab Jam much more broken up this way.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rip You Up Rotation Week 2: Day Two!

Blogdate: 9/7

Workout: Cardio Party Remix + Booty Sculpt

I have yet to have an A.M. workout. It just isn't going to happen.

I am feeling so strong on my workouts and I am at the point now where I don't have to talk myself into working out- I'm just going to workout. There isn't a debate.

Stanza of the day from The Ladder of St. Augustine by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night.

Yeah, "Toiling upward in the night". That's me!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Rip You Up Rotation Week 2: Day One!

Blogdate: 9/6

Workout: Cardio Party 1 + Ab Jam Floor

We met some friends at a burger joint called Lumpy's. Yikes. Really greasy, and not really good greasy, like Five Guys or In-N-Out. I only had half of a "Wimpy" burger and I just kind of felt sick afterwards. Not to mention that I went over like EIGHTEEN POINTS and it is DAY ONE. It is going to be a long week.

Happy Labor Day!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week 7 Down!

Blogdate: 9/5

Workout: Yoga (Yoga Zone Evening Stress Relief for Beginners)

Yay! 7 Weeks down! I am so amazed at what I have been able to accomplish and I am half way to my 14 week goal!

After 6 straight days I did not feel like doing a full yoga class today. I'm sure I really needed it, though. I did one of my 20 minute Yoga Zone workouts instead and it felt really really great.

A few years ago, when I was just starting my yoga practice (such as it is), I bought a boxed set of yoga workouts off from Yoga Zone. This set contains 6 discs of 2 20 minute workouts each- all with a different focus: Power Yoga, Stress Relief, Flexibility, Core, Fat Burning & Total Body Conditioning. I was looking for something to supplement my cardio and strength multiple times a week that I wouldn't need to spend 40-60 minutes doing. This set fit the bill nicely.

These workouts- not quite the right word when discussing yoga- are so well done and non-intimidating. Even though they lean on the spiritual side if you are not careful they will make you a believer. They are beginner to beginner-intermediate in level, and modifications are shown to make them harder or easier. A solid introduction to yoga.

BTW- A lot of these are available streaming on Hulu! Hooray! Try them out...

Week 8 Schedule (week 2 Rip You Up Rotation):
Cardio Party 1 + Ab Jam Floor
Booty Sculpt + Cardio Party Remix
Punch, Kick & Jam + Standing Ab Jam
Fat Blaster + 3T
Lower Body Jam + 20 Minute
Cardio Party 2 or Kicken Core + Ab Jam (Maybe Total Body Blast instead?)

BTW- Look at the cute colored dry-erase markers my husband bought me! Talk about support!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What I am Coveting This Week...

This top by UA, the Evo Coldgear Hoody, is very very cute. I love the crossover detail. And 40$ less than Lululemon's similar top (not as many bells and whistles, though). It also comes in this green that I think would match my Half-moon Capris, but I think I'd like it best in charcoal.

My usual complaint about UA is that it isn't very feminine- and I'm not that feminine (you've seen how I dress!) so that is really saying something. But these are downright girly for Under Armour!

Rip You Up Rotation Week 1: Day Six!

Blogdate: 9/4

Workout: Booty Sculpt + Cardio Party Remix

I am really feeling like all I am doing once I get home from work and get the kid to bed is work out. Next week I am going to get up at 5:15 each morning and get my workout in and see how that frees up my evening.

My co-worker is starting Insanity on Tuesday. I cannot wait to see her results. I'd try it- but I'm saving up for Turbo Fire.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Rip You Up Rotation Week 1: Day 5!

Blogdate: 9/3

Workout: Cardio Party 2

I'm pooped!

Rip You Up Rotation Week 1: Day Four!

Blogdate: 9/2
Workout: Fat Blaster + Ab Jam

I was so exhausted tonight. I had a meeting and then Project Runway was on... It was really tempting to blow off my workout. But I got it in! When I returned home from my meeting I decided just to do it, not even to think about it, and that is what I did.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Book Review! Running with Angels: The Inspiring Journey of a Woman Who Turned Personal Tragedy into Triumph over Obesity

After enduring multiple tragedies with her children, Pamela H. Hansen decided she needed a better coping mechanism than food. One morning, she decided to start walking and through baby steps, lots and lots of baby steps, eventually losing over 100 lbs (without surgery or pills) and ran a marathon. She has run many more as of the book's publication.

My motivation was dragging when I picked up this book- and I am glad that I did. Seeing how she overcame her challenges, learned and grew from them was very encouraging. I learned to be patient with myself- these things don't happen overnight. I'll paraphrase: Many of us don't want eventually- we want it now OR we really don't want it at all, because it means changing the way we live: exercising and eating right.

"At times we get discouraged, but we hang on and make good decisions anyway. There are times in our lives when perseverance means to simply keep moving. We aren't even thinking about gaining any sort of strength from the trials in which we presently find ourselves; and most often we don't realize our increased inner strength until later down the road, after we have had a chance for reflection."

She includes many quotes and stories that she found motivational, as well as stories of the challenges of being obese- many heartbreaking. Oftentimes, we are much, much crueler to ourselves than we would ever, ever be to another human being. Hansen speaks about learning to love and accept herself, and her love for those around her increased as well.

This great quote by Gordon B. Hinckley she draws upon: "You did not come into this world to fail. You came into the world to succeed... You will be amazed at what might happen when in faith you take a step forward." (One Shining Hope)

I appreciated how she brought Christ into her struggle and applied the atonement to her situation. Great read. Buy it at Deseret Book.

Rip You Up Rotation Week 1: Day Three!

Blogdate: 9/1

Workout: Punch, Kick and Jam (w/ last 15 minutes of CP2)

Have I mentioned how much I love this workout? Just love it- each song is motivating (right up to the endless capoeira finesse when I change it to CP2).

I did this workout in the middle of the day- out in the garage, I mean, gym with NO AIR CONDITIONING. How hard core am I? At least as hard core as all those band kids marching around out there right now.