Saturday, July 31, 2010

Blogdate: 7/31

Workout: Cardio Party 2

I am psyching myself up to go workout tonight. I need to do Cardio AND yoga tonight so I'd better get moving. I am not as sore today as I thought I would be- and I really pushed myself last night. This makes me think that I have really delayed onset soreness coming and I'll be lucky to walk tomorrow.

I feel like I look leaner today. Perhaps I do- or don't. But either way, I feel healthier and that is what is important.

Food Find!

I love Crystal Light- except for 2 things: 1. The Price. 2. Artificial Colors.

This is why I love this drink mix I found at Smith's: Kroger's In An Instant Fitness drink mix. It tastes like Propel but has no artificial colors- it is just clear! 5 Calories per packet. They make a Wild Berry and Pink Lemonade (I think). I have only tried the Wild Berry but it is pretty hard not to get Pink Lemonade right. And it is the in-house brand so it is much more affordable than the Crystal Light packets- about .25$ per packet.

Yes, it has artificial sweeteners, but that is something I have yet to conquer.

Never Too Late...

Blogdate: 7/30

Workout: Turbo Sculpt + Ab Jam

Yesterday was also a 'rest day'. But now I am officially 'slipping'. When I got home from work, I just wanted to watch Project Runway on my DVR and go to bed. But after it was over, I knew that in order to meet my goals for this week I had to workout. So I went in the garage and pushed play at 11:15 in the evening.

Chalene mentions during Ab Jam that it is "never too late to get the abs of your dreams" and I almost laughed out loud. Yes, never too late.

I finished my workout shortly after midnight, sweaty and happy and proud of myself.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Motivate Me!

One feature about Nike+ that I really like is the 'power song'- your energy is flagging, you need a shot in the arm so you push a button on your player and there it is! Your power song! Instant motivation!

There are a lot of things that act as power songs for me- and not just songs. Some are people!

This is a picture of Tara- a season 7 contestant on The Biggest Loser. This woman was a machine! She won just about every challenge, even when the odds were stacked against her, and she never fell below the yellow line. I have never seen a contestant who had such determination- who would just not give up!

When I am exhausted and think I've hit the wall, I picture Tara pulling that car and dig deeper myself!

Ghetto Fitness

Blogdate: 7/28

Workout: Rest Day

I was so stinking tired tonight after work that I was in bed by 9. We're calling this a rest day. It probably didn't help my energy that I had 5 points worth of chocolate at work to celebrate the end of 'no sweets' week. I ended up over 16 points today. Still within my weekly points allowance, but more than I wanted to spend.

I have decided only to weigh myself monthly instead of weekly. I figure seeing a (relatively) big drop in weight will be more motivating than seeing it creep down. But I went swimming today and I was hoping my swimshorts (which have been tight tight tight lately) would be noticeably looser- and they were- slightly. Well, that is better than tighter.

Planet Fitness is going in about a mile and a half from my house. My current gym is about 5 miles away (and really out of my way). My current gym also closes at 10, so on nights I go I really have to hustle in order to get there, get changed and have a good hour+ to exercise. And all this will be moot in Nov-Dec when my store is open later! So even though I like my gym (it is clean and the people are friendly) and I am getting a ghetto-vibe from Planet Fitness I decided to switch. It opens this Friday.

At least they have finally straighten the light post in the parking lot that was at a 45 degree angle after someone ran into it.

Mama Said Knock You Out

Blogdate: 7/27

Workout: Cardio Party 1

Last day of my no sweets challenge- after the first few days it really wasn't very difficult.

I really procrastinated working out tonight- I think it was after 10 before I finally pushed play. And then I had this weird dream that I was interviewing for a position with Lululemon and for some reason my dad insisted on coming along, sitting on the floor and playing Guild Wars. Is this a sign of over training?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Don't Just Lean Side to side... CRUNCH side to side!

Blogdate: 7/26

Workout: 20 Minute + Ab Jam

My no sweets challenge ends on Wednesday. I am really glad I've been doing it. Knowing that I can still have sweets, just not this week, has helped strengthen my restraint. I've never seen the wisdom in a 'cheat day' before, but I think that if you were working hard the rest of the week you wouldn't want to throw it all away. You'd be pretty conservative on your 'cheat day'.

My oatmeal and blueberries breakfast didn't quite do the trick this morning and I became hungry at work around 9:30 am. I decided on a bag of nuts instead of a bag of candy, even though it was more points, but still managed to work it in to my points for the day. I ended up over 5 after my workout, which is just fine considering the 35 weekly points WW gives you.

I had a tough workout with the gloves tonight- my biceps were really sore from my yoga session yesterday. I need to wear my heart rate monitor and compare calorie burns with and without the gloves.

This week's workouts : (My week 2 is a modified beginner week 3 from the Turbo Jam rotation)
20 Minute + Ab Jam
Cardio Party 1
Turbo Sculpt + Ab Jam
Cardio Party 2
20 Minute + Ab Jam

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week One Down!

Blogdate: 7/25

Workout: Crunch Fat Burning Yoga

I heart Sara Ivanhoe's Yoga workouts. She cues well, has a soothing voice and strings the poses together nicely. She also has a good balance of touchy-feely with athletic style yoga.

I did it this afternoon while my 2 year old napped.

Mistakes Burn Calories

Blogdate: 7/24

Workout: Cardio Party Remix

Right up there as far as favorite workouts go next to the 20 Minute workout is Cardio Party Remix (CPR). It is 30 minutes, has two Turbos and came with Booty Sculpt as part of the first Turbo 'expansion pack'. The workout features extended versions of combinations from Cardio Parties 1 and 2 and because it is so short the combinations build quickly. You don't have time to think about how tired you are or anything!

This workout features one of my favorite reminders from Chalene: don't worry about mistakes because mistakes burn calories, too!

CPR is probably more choreography intense than many might like, but I find the challenge keeps me engaged.

My sweetless week is going great! I only went over my points by 2 today!

I am feeling great- this was my 5th workout this week! Week one is almost in the bag!

Leave The Singing To Holly

Blogdate: 7/23

Workout: 20 Minute + Ab Jam

I only went over by four points today! It would help if I didn't blow 17 points at Taco Bell! But I came home from work (I worked late tonight), worked out and went to bed without snacking.

Used the gloves again tonight. They really change the dynamic. There is no 'active recovery' with those things. And by the finale my speedbags were really hurting. I also use them for the first (standing) half of Ab Jam and find they help me isolate my abs.

Sweet Relief

Blogdate: 7/22

Workout: Cardio Party 1

I was too exhausted last night after work to exercise. It didn't help that I ate garbage. I did journal it, however, but I'm defeating the purpose and I need to stop this spiral. I am going to challenge myself not to have sweets this next week. I am a big proponent of Moderation in All Things, but I think I need something drastic to check myself.

Good workout tonight- I love Cardio Party 1. Of course, I have done this thing to death, but there are some things I do to relieve the tedium. (NOTE- the workout is a blast, but once you have done anything hundreds of times it is going to get tedious)

One technique I use is to rotate which wall of the room I am looking at. This is especially helpful on the 'Mama Said Knock You Out' section that is both long and strenuous. Each 32 count you shift to face a different wall.

I am also focusing on keeping my weight over my toes and not in my heels (in order to protect my knees).

My diet was MUCH better today. I was tempted a little by the sweets at work (I manage a bookstore) but nothing I couldn't handle. I went over by 7 points for the day, but compared to the 20+ I've been over the last few days I'll call that a success!

You don't drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there.

Right There in the Obliques, Babydoll!

Blogdate: 7/20

Workout: 20 Minute Workout + Ab Jam

I did the 20 minute workout with those stinking gloves on and just about killed myself! That adds a lot! Each one couldn't possibly weigh more than a pound-and-a-half, but usually I am resting/recovering when not kicking or jumping and nu-uh, that doesn't happen with the hand weights on!

I was in an infomercial for Turbo Jam (back down at fighting weight) and during the taping someone (who shall remain nameless but is way more famous than me) drained all the sand out of her weighted gloves so she wouldn't get exhausted during the filming!

I can completely understand- fatigue sets in and my form goes to crap when I use these too long. For now, I am going to use them when I do the short workouts to maximize my calorie burn.

Did Ab Jam as well. I am doing a hybrid of the beginning rotation that comes with the original Turbo Jam kit. Beachbody's calender wants you to do Learn and Burn twice and the 20 Minute twice in the first week, but I know the moves and I have some conditioning from doing an hour on the eliptical trainer at the gym 3 times a week for the last 2 months.

I like Ab Jam- I wish I had other ab workouts to rotate in because according the rotation, I am going to be doing Ab Jam at least twice a week. Maybe someone will buy me Turbo Fire of Chalene Extreme for Christmas.

I journalled everything, including all the candy I ate! I've got to shake this. I read that successful weight loss is about 80% from diet! I get bored at work and guess what I do???!?!? Argh!

The Roof, The Roof...

Blogdate: 7/19

Workout: 20 Minute Workout

I love this workout! The music is inspiring- especially 'The Roof is on Fire' as the finale! The only drawback (although, it could be a plus..) is that it is so short. In the workout Chalene says it is going to be "The best 20 minutes of your day" and today it really was. I felt great!

My diet for the day, however, was less inspired. I was feeling down because my family has just left after visiting for 2 weeks. Let's just say my sweet tooth got the best of me.

I also played Wii Cheer 2 for about an hour. That is a fun game! If you have a dance background you can pick up the routines and perform them along with the cheerleaders (I know- I almost titled this blog 'Old, Fat Cheerleader' since 'Slow, Fat Triathlete' was taken!).

This week's workouts: (I am doing a modified week 2 beginner rotation)
20 Minute
20 Minute + Ab Jam
Cardio Party 1
20 Minute + Ab Jam
Cardio Party Remix

Fourteen Weeks To Fit

Blogdate: Sunday, 7/18

In 14 weeks I have a cruise for work (life's rough) and my little brother's wedding. I'm about 11 pounds over my healthy weight and about 20 over 'fighting weight'. The goal is to get down to 'fighting weight' in 14 weeks. At a rate of 1-2 pounds a week that is achievable!

I weighed in at 171 tonight. I knew I'd be up but I was hoping I'd still be in the 160's.

What usually happens to me is I make resolutions and start my workout regimens and get injured and sidelined about 2 weeks in. I am not going to let that happen this time. I am going to make sure I am doing strength and yoga to increase muscle strength and flexibility and prevent injury!

My plan:
5x workouts a week (Turbo Jam!!!)
2x active recovery (Yoga, walking)
Journal Everything (Weight Watchers)

My incentive:
Each successful 4 week period= 20$ Lululemon Gift Card (it would be Beachbody if they sold gift cards!).

My reward: Feeling healthy and looking great on the cruise and at the wedding. Fitting into all the cute little clothes in my closet. Being ready for whatever life has ahead!