Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rip You Up Rotation Week 1: Day Two!

Blogdate: 8/31

Workout: 3T + Ab Jam

Good-bye, August! I go to take tonight's picture holding the number "32" and I can't imagine holding #50, or #60, or #70- but that is where I'll be before this is through. I can't help but wonder how I'll look and feel once I get there.

I have decided to make Ab Jam my friend. This is, what, the 12th time I've done it in a little over 6 weeks? There is no use being tired of it- I'm going to have to do it about twice a week during the next 4! Might as well make it my buddy.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Rip You Up Rotation Week 1: Day One!

Blogdate: 8/30

Workout: Cardio Party 3

I heart Cardio Party 3. What a great way to get things started!

"Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary things in life by maintaining a consistent focus on the small root causes of success." -Running with Angels: The Inspiring Journey of a Woman Who Turned Personal Tragedy into Triumph over Obesity, Pamela H. Hansen

Rip You Up Rotation Week 1: Kick Off!

Having completed Turbo Jam beginner and advanced rotations I am looking for a new challenge. Since I don't have the dough for Turbo Fire just yet I'll be doing the Turbo Jam Rip You Up Rotation for the next 4 weeks. Here is my schedule for the coming week:

1. Cardio Party 3
2. 3T + Ab Jam
3. Punch, Kick and Jam
4. Fat Blaster + Ab Jam
5. Cardio Party 2
6. Booty Sculpt + Cardio Party Remix
7. Yoga

I was tempted to leave off Yoga, but I give it a lot of credit in keeping my knees healthy for the last six weeks- I have noticed a difference in my flexibility and I am sure that is helping.

I also am going to transition myself to AM workouts this month- I think it will make me a better wife if I actually spend time with my husband in the evenings instead of secluding myself in the garage, I mean, gym.

Six Weeks Down!

Blogdate: 8/29

Workout(s): Kickin' Core, The Firm Power Yoga

It is a testament to the human spirit that I got all my workouts in this week. My motivation is pretty much on fumes at this point. I'm just in a funk and tonight's workout didn't help...

Kickin' Core was great. I just wish it was more like a Cardio Party in length (from a cardio standpoint). There is a great moment after doing some really gruelling on-the-ball abs where Chalene says "this is my present to you" and has you drape backwards over the ball. Man- nirvana, right there.

My yoga workout though, grrr.

I did the Firm's Power Yoga. From what I've heard on the Weight Watcher's message boards The Firm is great! People gush about how great these workouts are. I thought it was a pretty safe bet.

From a purely physical standpoint it was a good yoga workout- felt a little short but I didn't mind because I was so IRRITATED!

I guess I like my yoga a certain way: I like it athletic with a little sprinkling of spirituality. I like it when the Sanskrit names are used with the English translations, please. It is respectful to the tradition and to the practice. After all, a ballet teacher would never instruct their students to "kick"- they would say "battlement".

I like the English translations because it gives me a good visual of the intent and the heart of the movement- things like "chair", "mountain", "warrior", "bow" and even "corpse".

It really irritated me that this workout did not use the Sanskrit OR the English names! Were they afraid of offending people- that their market would think it was devil worship to do the "chair pose"?????? Wow, way to low ball it!

So, in addition to feeling insulted it made the workout more difficult. I'm upside down, facing the other way, and they launch into some complicated description of the position I'm to move into when they could have just said "sit back into child's pose" and then describe it for beginners (who are going to need to turn and look anyway). These things have name for reasons!

Another problem I had with this workout was the music. I swear, it is all used as the cool-down music at the end of various Turbo Jam workouts which, in Pavlovian glory, tells my mind that the workout is almost over. So I was psychologically ready to be done the entire time.

Funny, Collage Video calls it a plus that this workout is so non-yoga. Well, this is what Netflix is for.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Workout 29...

Blogdate: 8/29

Workout: Turbo Sculpt + Ab Jam

I did not want to work out tonight- but I did anyway. I feel really good about it.

I went to Khol's tonight and tried on some clothes I had an eye on- man, they vanity size the heck out of their Fila fitness wear! The tanks only fit in a small- the bigger sizes were saggy in the armholes and baggy everywhere else. Some cute styles, though. They remind me of Bebe Sport, which was really cute in an athletic way (when it wasn't covered with logos).

I was sorely tempted by this jacket- it reminds me of Lululemon's Define jacket:

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Eyes On The Prize...

Blogdate: 8/27

Workout: Cardio Party 2

So I totally rocked CP2 tonight, I even added plio to the finale, I felt so strong. I was sure I had torn it up. My heart rate monitor read 300. What? Something is definitely wrong- when I was using my HRM all the time (about 3 years ago) that workout burned about 450. I am going to have to dig out the manual and see what is up.

We ate at Five Guys for a treat yesterday- that was pretty darn good. Probably the second best burger I've ever had (which are):

1. Hamburger Habit/Cal Taco (a central California favorite)
2. Five Guys
3. In and Out
4. Home Grilled! (as in made at home)
5. Wendy's

We met the In-Laws for dinner at an Italian buffet. I was actually pretty smart about it- I filled up on salad and tomato-vegetable soup before I sampled a pasta, meatballs and a very modest slice of thin-crust pizza.

I am trying hard to stay motivated- I know my clothes are fitting differently and I love the conditioning I've aquired. I read a quote recently that said, "You don't have to be motivated, you just have to do it". Indeed.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Blogdate: 8/26

Workout: Total Body Blast

This is a tough workout if for no other reason than it is a full hour and all the short intervals make it seem longer than it is.

I wore my Heart Rate Monitor tonight and it said I burned 312 calories- that seems really low. I know the cardio was interspersed with sculpting intervals but even then- 40 minutes of Cardio Party burns about 450 calories (last time I checked!) and I worked really hard last night! I'll have to fiddle with the settings and make sure everything is right.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This One's For District 12!

Blogdate: 8/25

Workout: Cardio Party 1

Man, I was not looking forward to this workout. CP1 is tough because it is so much more repetitive that later workouts (PK&J and CP3).

As you can see, I took 2 days off (which means I need to double up a Turbo workout with Yoga). On Monday night I was tired and blue from a tough day at work. On Tuesday, Mockingjay had just come out and I couldn't tear myself away from it. Tonight, I am not allowed to have excuses. It is put up or shut up.

So I put on my party pants and went for it.

Wow, I forget just how great of a workout that is. At the end, instead of feeling beaten and exhausted you feel strong and refreshed!

My whole body is feeling stronger- especially my knees (and that makes me very very happy!). This is good in anticipation of Turbo Fire- I want to be able to give it all I've got!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Five Weeks Down!

Blogdate: 8/22

Workout: Yoga

So irritated during my workout tonight. I did PiYo 8, off of one of the Fan V0lumes. Now, the fan volumes are the workouts created for the instructors to use in memorizing the choreography for their PiYo classes. I was warned that they would be advanced. I am cool with that- I can modify and I am mature enough to do so and not try to compete with people. What I wasn't cool with was how things weren't really cued- there was a voice over that mentioned things, but wasn't really cueing very closely.

So breathing isn't stressed- they just say, "be sure you are breathing". No inhale here, exhale here. And then when you are upside down, bending over or facing the opposite way from the screen (which happens occasionally in yoga) sometimes the cueing just goes away, or talks about things that are not the move you are doing right now. the form you need to have or what your breath should be doing.

This is the type of DVD that you would have to have memorized before you could feel successful attempting the workout- not really something for everyday exercisers, advanced or otherwise. I am just not sure how useful this whole thing is going to be.

By the time final relaxation came around I actually swore with excitement because I was just so tired of it. It reminded me a lot of the first Camp Turbo when someone taught a PiYo class. It was fast, loud, dark and I couldn't see the friggin' stage because I was upside down and there were tons of people everywhere who also had no clue what they were doing. Most people around me walked out well before it was over. You'd think then I would have been able to see the stage but it was still dark and I was still upside down.


By the end of my workout last night I had a headache and I was pissed. How's that for Final Relaxation?

Next week's schedule: (modified Advanced week 6)

Cardio Party 1
Total Body Blast
Kickin' Core
Turbo Sculpt + Ab Jam
Cardio Party 2

I just turn my brain off when I do Ab Jam now. I would love to get another Ab routine. Maybe one from Turbo Fire or Chalean Extreme. I am accepting donations.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blogdate: 8/21

Workout: Cardio Party 3

Great workout tonight! I love the music in this workout- it really keeps your energy up when you think you can't give any more.

It may just be the dark colors of my outfit, but I felt like I could see more shape to my body tonight- like a waist! Hooray!

Earlier this week, on Monday, I felt very hungry, tired and slow. It was really disheartening. Last night I found this article, that basically says if that happens to you, you are on the right track.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blogdate: 8/19

Workout: Booty Sculpt + Ab Jam

Hey, look at me! I did it! I watched Project Runway AND I got my workout in! I really should try and work out in the mornings, instead, but...

I am just not a morning person.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Place Bets Now!

I have a track record of one in four for working out on Thursdays- I blame Project Runway.

The burning question is- will tomorrow become my Rest Day? Or will I squeeze a workout in?

Never, Never, Never Give Up

Blogdate: 8/18

Workout: CPR & Fat Blaster

Man, last night after my great workout I sat here and ate some things I'm not proud of. I really need to be careful in front of the computer- I am very prone to mindless eating!

I was flipping through a book today about perseverance and it had some great quotes about keeping your motivation up and hanging in there. My favorite is a quote by Churchill. He addressed a school and the entirety of his message, essentially the secret of his success, was "Never, never, never give up!"

This doesn't end in Fourteen Weeks. If I want to live my life as a fit person I am going to have to behave as a fit person- eat well, exercise consistently. I can't ever 'give up'. Five pounds down doesn't matter- because this is forever- I have forever to do it.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What I am Coveting This Week...


Got My Party Pants On...

Blogdate: 8/17

Workout: 3T + Ab Jam

I was doing really well on my whole 'No Soda' thing until about 2:00 when I started getting really cranky and then the headache kicked in and I caved around 4. I still had a splitting headache until about 8:30 when the Tylenol finally kicked in. I think I am going to have to wean myself off this stuff a little slower.

I was kinda suprised I got my workout in... I was pretty much in bed with a headache until it went away. Then it was like I had no control over my body- I put on my workout clothes and went into the garage, ahem, Gym, for my scheduled workout. Go me!

It is nagging at me though, only losing 5 pounds... I was looking at a chart from last fall and I was able to drop 5 pounds in two weeks with just counting points- not even exercising! Grrr. I know, the 'Check is in the mail' as it were, and I wouldn't trade the conditioning I've gained- that totally rocks. And it really isn't about the scale. Right? Right?!?!?!

Monday, August 16, 2010

10 Things I Love About Turbo, Part 1

1. The music! This has so much to do with how much you enjoy your workout! It makes all the difference. I remember walking out of a fitness class because I could not STAND the music! Turbo Jam is upbeat and motivating and it makes it not feel like work... as much.

2. Chalene! I love this woman! Even if I didn't think she was the bomb as a person, I would still love her as an instructor. So positive and motivating, funny and genuine. You see her make a few mistakes but her confidence never fades, yet she is not arrogant. She is the kind of teacher you would walk across hot coals for (never screechy or inane).

3. 8 more means 8 more! It drives me crazy when instructors say "8 more!" and then at the end of the 8 they proceed to pound 8-32 more out of you. If you do this to me, you have lost my trust forever. And if you lose my trust- how can I give you my all? Chalene never does this and everything is absolutely even on both sides.

4. The Moves! I love kickboxing, from way back in the Tae Bo days. I used to haunt classes at every gym in my chain in town! I had favorite instructor and favorite spots- I was loving it! And the moves- it was like you were in a martial arts film! But then everything changed and choreography meant 32 jabs, and now were going to do 32 blocks, and now 64 jumping jacks, and hey, how about this move that isn't really an uppercut but that is what we're calling it, and now let's do- oh, say, 32 front kicks, now 32 more, and I lied- 32 more. With Turbo Jam, I am back in that Martial Arts film, bad dubbing and all, throwing my best kicks, mixed in with punches, and occasionally shakin' it because that's the type of ninja I'd totally be.

5. The Cast! These are real people. They don't all have perfect bodies. Some are old, some are young. A nice variety of people and modifications. And Anna-Rita, I love that girl! She makes me want to work harder. You really get a sense that they enjoy and believe in what they are doing, and the spirit of fun is infectious.

Punch, Kick & Damn!

Blogdate: 8/16

Workout: Punch,Kick & Jam

What a great workout I had tonight! Punch, Kick & Jam is so much fun- and the music is amazing! I did stop it after the finale and put in Cardio Party 2 from the recovery to the cool down for a 50 minute workout. I just felt so strong and powerful- even though I don't think I waited long enough after eating dinner to start!

4 Week Weigh In!

With anticipation and trepidation I stepped on the scale this morning and weighed in at....


5 pounds down! That's a little over a pound a week, not bad! 5 Pounds less than I weighed 4 weeks ago, sucka!

If I can keep this pace up I will be well below my WW Goal weight of 160 by cruise time! Perhaps if I eat better I can even be down around 150! 16 pounds in 10 weeks... that's kinda ambitious. You don't always know how your body is going to respond. I have lots of control over my direct actions but not so much on indirect things like how much weight I lose.

I am going to go for a week without caffeine- no diet soda (no soda, PERIOD next week)! I am enjoying my last diet coke as I write this and then that's it for a week! Nada! Nil! Zilch! I have just been hitting that stuff a little too hard lately and I need to encourage myself to drink actual water. I am going to refer to it as my Diet Soda Diet.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

4 Weeks Down!

Blogdate: 8/15

Workout: Total Body Blast

Having never done TBB before (seriously, never) there were a lot of moves that were unfamiliar to me. The workout is framed into high intensity blasts alternating legs, core, cardio, etc in about 4-5 minute intervals. I wonder if this workout is a direct progenitor of Turbo Fire?

I can't help but wonder what will be really really sore tomorrow.

ANYWAYS- 4 Weeks Down! That's 20 Workouts! What do I notice that is different?

* Stamina- I could not do 30 minutes of cardio without needing a break to catch my breath 4 weeks ago- now I am good to go the full 60 on TBB!

* Strength- When you first start Turbo and you are told to 'isolate x muscle' it is difficult to even FIND that muscle! At this point they have enough strength to isolate them. I also can feel more definition in my arms and obliques- my obliques feel noticeably leaner.

* Fit- I am fitting into my size 10 jeans and the 12s are getting too loose to wear. Yay! Other things that used to, um, rub together, are not doing so any longer.

Tomorrow is the big weigh in- I am nervous. I hope it isn't de-motivating either way! I am hoping to see 5 pounds dropped. Of the 4 weeks, I had 2 weeks of eating really well and two so-so weeks or I'd expect to see more.

Week 5 Schedule: (modified advanced week 3)
Punch, Kick & Jam
3T + Ab Jam
Booty Sculpt + Ab Jam
Cardio Party 3


Blogdate: 8/14

Workout: Cardio Party 2/ Crunch Fat Burning Yoga

Today was a 'put up or shut up' day- I knew I need to get 2 workouts in so I could meet my goals. I opted for Cardio and Yoga.

Cardio Party 2 is a great workout- not as hard as Cardio Party 1, but a great workout.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Food Find! Morning Oatmeal!

My favorite way to start my day- oatmeal!

Specifically, I really enjoy Coach's Oats (you can get it at Costco). I believe it is about 6-8$ a bag and makes about 70 servings. I use the 'for lighter appetites' recipe and find it is plenty with 4 ounces of frozen blueberries mixed in. I find it doesn't need milk or any sort of sweeteners and I am good to go!

Coach's Oats is hearty without being bland and overly mushy- has a steel-cut flavor without that kind of time (takes about 4 minutes to microwave).

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

18 Workouts Down!

Blogdate: 8/11

Workout: Turbo Sculpt + Ab Jam

I am trying to use 8lb weights as much as possible during Turbo Sculpt, switching back to the 5lbs during all the shoulder/tricep work.

Eating-wise, yesterday was a challenge. We took a trip to the zoo this morning and had ice cream, but the real problem was when I got bored at work last night. My eating reflected this.

I have been reading a book about goal setting, and it talks about chunking your goals down into steps so simple you can't help but do them. Last night my goal was just to get dressed- to put my workout clothes on. Once I was dressed I knew I'd do my workout. Ah, me hacks.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

...And the party favors are calories burned!

Blogdate: 8/10

Workout: Cardio Party 1

This is still one of the toughest workouts even though it is considered Cardio Party 1! You really have to have stamina because so many of these 8 counts repeat, and repeat, and repeat- lots of "elbow-back kick, elbow-back kick" repeat a gajillion times.

I was really tempted to call today a rest day, but I am glad I didn't. I am going to try to line up m rest day with Sunday- we'll see if that works!

Monday, August 9, 2010

On The Ball

Blogdate: 8/9

Workout: Kickin' Core

The last 15 minutes of this workout turn into sculpting so I think I am going to switch up my schedule and do cardio tomorrow night, then weights, cardio, weights.

This workout brings back memories of the first Turbo camp- this is the round that was introduced and filmed there (well, modified for Turbo Jam and a shorter time frame).

At the end of this video instead of getting to know the cast or someone getting 'Jammed' Chalene gives her top Turbo Tips. These revolve around fitting healthier eating and exercise into your lifestyle. These are really fun- Chalene has such a fun personality- I would listen to her talk about anything (and her collection of Nike jackets is impressive!).

Food Find! Taco Salad!


1 Whole Wheat Tortilla (1 pt- use as a liner for the bowl)
1/3 of a head of romaine lettuce (0 pts)
1/2 a tomato (0 pts)
1/4 cup of cheese (2 pts)
10 Black Olives (1 pt)
1/4 of an avocado (2 pts)

Garnish with your favorite salsa! When your salad gets low, wrap it in the tortilla and enjoy the rest burrito-style!
Total Points: 6
2 Veggie Servings, 1 Milk, 1 Lean Protein, 1 Healthy Fat

Sunday, August 8, 2010

3 Weeks Down!

I am so curious to weigh in- I am really looking forward to next Monday!

Week 4 Schedule (modified Advanced Wk 2):
Kickin Core
Turbo Sculpt + Ab Jam
Total Body Blast
CP 2

Workout 15!

Blogdate: 8/8

Workout: Punch, Kick & Jam

I love this workout. It is supposed to be more athletic, less dancy, but I don't see it. It is just as dancy as the others (at least the way I do it). I did cut it off after the finale and do another finale/finesse/cool down off Cardio Party Remix. The endless capoeira at the end of Punch, Kick and Jam is just too repetitive for me.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Get Your Asana Outside

Blogdate: 8/7

Workout: Yoga

Today our local Lululemon showroom hosted Salutation Nation- about 50 people and myself met at the park downtown for some morning yoga (and many more around the country). It was a great way to start the day- I have felt pleasantly 'wrung out' all day. I was kinda distracted by all the cute Lululemon that people had on, though!

You can see me on the right there in my Angel Blue tank next to the girl in yellow!

Zen and the Art of Turbo

Blogdate: 8/6.

Workout: 3T and Ab Jam

I had a zen moment during 3T tonight that pretty well illustrates what Turbo means to me: I was looking at the floor during tricep kickbacks, watching my sweat drip off me onto the ground, when I noticed that my foot was tapping to the music. I was working so hard but still subconsciously enjoying myself.

I also have noticed over the last few days that I can feel my biceps and triceps more- like they are firmer muscles. Hey- things are changing!

Friday, August 6, 2010


Blogdate: 8/5

Workout: Cardio Party Remix

I am really impressed by how fast Turbo Jam gets your conditioning to the point where not only can you get through the workout, but you can do so and add power and intensity to it without killing yourself.

Kinda of a landmark moment for me today also, a 'Non-Scale Victory' in WW terms- I am able to take off my size 12 jeans without unbuttoning them!

Tonight I was ready to go- I felt strong and just wanted to knock it out of the park!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Take the 9 O'Clock Tank to Happy Town

Blogdate: 8/4

Workout: Turbo Sculpt + Ab Jam

If I could just get a new tank in the mail everyday I would always look forward to my workout! That wouldn't be very expensive, would it? Behold my new Cool Racer Back in Angel Blue- the color is even prettier in person than in pictures! I love the color, the length- everything!

My diet is going great this week- I haven't used any WPA's and I have banked all my activity points. I am hoping I can talk DH into going out to dinner (even thought this month we have called a hiatus on discretionary spending).

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Turbo Tips

New to Turbo Jam? Here's my tips for a successful start:

You have just placed your order- now what? Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we diet? No way! You'll find Turbo more enjoyable if you ramp up to it a bit.

*From now to when it arrives (Beachbody's express shipping just isn't that fast- even when I lived in California) take a brisk walk everyday, or if you have a gym membership spend some time on the cardio machines every day. Don't kill yourself if you are not used to being active, just listen to your body and push a little harder each day.

*Fill your fridge with fresh fruits and veggies. Get used to eating a fruit or veggie with every meal (and for snacks!).

* Focus on drinking more water every day.

Hooray! It is time to go shopping! You are going to need:

*Small dumbells (3 & 5 lbs if you are new to exercising, 5 & 8 if you are Intermediate, if you are Advanced you probably have the weights you need!)

*A mat (a yoga mat works nicely- these come in a variety of thicknesses and colors. Ebay is a great resource!)

*Proper shoes are a must! Get yourself a nice pair of cross-trainers and be sure to try them on with the kind of socks (wicking!) that you will be wearing.

*As far as clothing goes- you will be happier in technical clothing than in cotton. Technical clothing will wick away sweat and will reduce chafing (especially under your arms where all that punching can create chafing with cotton clothes!). Treat yourself to some cute clothes! I know I am much more motivated to workout when I have clothes I enjoy wearing.

You can get good technical clothes on the cheap at Target, Walmart, Khol's (look for those 50% off sales on their in house brand- I think it is called Tek Gear) and Marshall's. You might be tempted to stay clear of the shinier stuff, but that fabric is the best for cardio! (You don't have to wear it skin tight, though!)

You will also need a sports bra, assuming you are a woman, of course. You will be doing a lot of jumping (unless you chose to keep it low-impact, and you certainly have that option). A sports bra is not the place to skimp out! Get yourself a good one. I like titlenine.com because they rate them by support. I practically buy in bulk from them. They are on the expensive side, but good support will make your workout more enjoyable and if it is more enjoyable you will be more likely to do it!

Happy Turbo!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sweatfest '10

Blogdate: 8/2

Workout: Cardio Party 3

I felt more energized today- I was actually looking forward to my workout tonight. The workout was great! These more 'advanced' workouts move so much faster because they are more choreography intense. I think this one would have to be my favorite- it would be Punch, Kick and Jam but the massive finesse on that workout is soooooo uninteresting and repetitive. CP3 is just a great workout all over! I was sweating so hard!

I actually ended the day under 16 points (including my activity). So I did something I haven't done in over a year- I went to Jack In The Box for 2 tacos and small fries (12 points) and banked my activity points. I don't know what deal Jack made with Satan, but those tacos are amazing!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

2 Weeks Down!

Hooray! Two weeks down! I really feel like my jeans are fitting looser. I am still waiting for this whole 'extra energy' thing to kick in. Right now I'm just tired and cranky.

This week, I am doing a modified Beginner Week 4 schedule:
Cardio Party 3
Turbo Sculpt + Ab Jam
Cardio Party Remix
3T + Ab Jam
Punch Kick and Jam

I am really excited about yoga this week because we are getting a Lululemon showroom (it opens in about 2 weeks) and they are hosting a Salutation Nation in a nearby park this Saturday. There are going to be thousands of people all over the country doing yoga outside this weekend, and perhaps a modest amount here in Albuquerque!

So Stinking Tired...

Blogdate: 8/1

Workout: 20 Minute Workout + Ab Jam

I got my workout in last night- both Cardio Party 2 and Crunch Fat Burning Yoga. I really like that yoga workout! I am hoping that increasing my flexibility will help take stress off my knees. I have heard critiques that say there are too many Down Dogs in this yoga workout, but I don't mind- I am trying really hard to make Down Dog my friend!

But today- Oh, man! I was so stinking tired all day! It was fast Sunday, so I didn't eat breakfast or lunch and I was so cranky all afternoon! And then my 2 year old didn't nap and was keyed up all evening! Not my best day. Now I've got to go work out before we start rolling...