Monday, April 25, 2011


You might be wondering what I've been up to...

Had a great time at my brother's wedding, and on the cruise. Was in a swimsuit in front of co-workers and not even self conscious. Actually worked out on the boat (ran and took a yoga class that kinda sucked).

Came home, took a pregnancy test and, oh, wow, baby #2 is due July 9th!

BTW- I haven't had any caffeine since early October.

So, here is a photo recap of my 14 week journey...

Start weight: 171
End weight: 153

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fourteen Weeks Down!

Blogdate: 10/24

Workout: 5 Mile Run

Well, I didn't get my workout in yesterday as planned, but I went for a run this morning at our hotel in Orlando. I was pleasantly surprised at how my Turbo conditioning translated into running- I felt really strong!

I had my final weigh in yesterday- 153! Wow! 18 lbs! I feel amazing about all that I have been able to accomplish. I love how strong I feel and how I look when I catch a look at myself in a window.

I'm not going to stop. I am going to workout every day on this cruise. I'll let you know how things went when I get back.

Have a great week!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Riptoberfest Week 4 Day 5!

Blogdate: 10/22

Workout: 20 Minute Workout & Lower Body Jam

I re-arranged the schedule, again, to relieve some of the pressure off today. I've got so much to do, with packing and all, that I needed shorter cardio this morning.

The 20 Minute workout- still one of my favorites! "The Roof Is On Fire" finale is a blast! The energy is fantastic. It just zips past.

I can hardly believe I am here at the end- 14 weeks and 75 workouts! I am very pleased with the results. Can't wait for the weigh-in tomorrow!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Riptoberfest- Week Four Day 4!

Blogdate: 10/21

Workout: Cardio Party 3 + Yoga

I'm dividing my workouts up again today- CP3 in the morning, yoga when I get home from work.

CP3 was tough this morning- and I didn't even use the gloves! I think working out in the am takes some getting used to for your body. I can really bring it at night after an entire day's calories, but it is tougher in the morning with a cold body and no calories (I get sick if I eat immediately before cardio).

2 more days!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Riptoberfest Week 4 Day 3!

Blogdate: 10/20

Workout: Cardio Party 1 + Turbo Sculpt

I had to break up my workouts today- I got up early and did Cardio Party 1, then when I got off work I came home and did Turbo Sculpt. It was just too daunting to have all that to do tonight with all that I am doing to get ready for our trip.

I used the gloves today up until the Turbo- but I had to take them off. Serious fatigue! Cardio Party 1 has that killer punching section that just does not give your upper body a break. Usually it is not a big deal, but with the gloves? Oh, man!

Three days to go!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Riptoberfest Week 4 Day 2!

Blogdate: 10/19

Workout: Cardio Party 2

So much of Cardio Party 2 is in Cardio Party Remix it felt like I did the same workout 2 days in a row. I think I could have won a sweaty contest tonight!

Monday, October 18, 2010

70 Workouts Down!

Blogdate: 10/18

Workout: Cardio Party Remix + 3T

Yesterday I was kinda feeling like, what is the point of this last week- it's not like I can lose much weight in 6 days. But then I realized that this week has the opportunity to be the 'Exclamation Point' on this whole process, the entire 14 weeks. So this week is the 'Exclamation Point'!

Week 14 Schedule (Or, as Chalene says, This is how we're going out!):
Cardio Party Remix + 3T
Cardio Party 2
Cardio Party + Turbo Sculpt (ouch, that's a long one)
Cardio Party 3 + Yoga
Punch, Kick & Jam + Lower Body Jam
20 Minute Workout (we're ending where we started!)